About Us

KaviKamal Group

KaviKamal Group is a enterprise headquartered in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, comprises of companies operating in Medical Research, Food processing, Education and Social service. Group operates with a mission and objective of serving humanity with Quality services and products to gain leadership with trust.

QREC Clinical Research LLP is registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Govt.) having Identification number AAC-3934 and StartupIndia (Govt.) DIPP - 22363. We are CRO providing Clinical Trials (Phase 3 &4), Medical Writing, Medico Marketing, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Data Management and Statistical Analysis services to complete Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry in India and other countries.

QREC Clinical Research Institute is registered under State Govt. having BRN no. 8005220001004419. We offer Educational & Training Programs to build up the skills of healthcare professionals through our “Clinical Research Courses" in India and Other countries.

Karmanye Healthcare & Research Society is registered under State Govt. having registration number 18/alwar/1988-89 as an (NGO) working in field of education, training, awareness and to improve quality of life of people.
